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The Donald Broyles Memorial Library at The Source LGBT+ Center


The library is housed in the community building at The Source LGBT+ Center in Visalia and is open whenever The Source is open. Anyone may become a library patron by signing up with a name and email address, and they may then check out items. The adult section has 458 nonfiction books and 615 which are fiction. The Spanish language section has 50 books, mostly for youth. The youth section has 886 books for infants to young adults, including 121 graphic novels. There are also DVDs and CDs available to check out.

PFLAG Tulare & Kings Counties at The Source LGBT+ Center for Transgender Day of Visibility

For more information about the library, contact the volunteer librarian at [email protected]. Click browse to see our catalog.

PFLAG T&KC table at The Source LGBT+ Center for Transgender Day of Visibility

PFLAG educational booklets on display at an event in the library at The Source LGBT+ Center.